A Wave of Light event is being held in Salisbury to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.
It takes place on Sunday 15th October on the green in the Cathedral Close from 6.15 pm to 7.30 pm, next to the Angels in Harmony sculpture.
Families are invited to come together and light a lantern to remember their babies.
Lanterns and battery candles will be available, and there will be tags to write your own personal messages. Families can then take their lanterns home after the event.
During the evening, poems will be read, and there will be a minute’s silence.
If it rains, the Wave of Light event will be held in the Cathedral Cloisters.
The event is being organised by staff from the Benson Suite led by the Stars Appeal Bereavement Midwife.
Donations will be accepted to the Stars Appeal’s Benson Suite Fund.
The Benson Suite at Salisbury Hospital, which marked the 10th anniversary of its opening this year, provides a dedicated, private space for local families who sadly experience the death of their baby.
Further details about the Wave of Light can be found at https://starsappeal.org/event/wave-of-light-event/ and https://babyloss-awareness.org/wave-of-light/