Here are just some of the events part of this year's Silver Salisbury programme

To celebrate International Older People's Day, the local charity, Silver Salisbury has put together a programme of free and low-cost events for older people.

This year’s programme runs from 17th September to 9th October and is full of information so older people can find new groups, meet new people and make new friends.

As well as regular clubs and activities in Downton, Salisbury, Amesbury and Wilton there are special one-off events to bring like-minded people together. Events include music, history, creative activities, walks and talks and even ponies.

Here are some of the highlights from this year’s programme.

Silver Cinema at The Oden, Salisbury
Take a trip to the cinema and benefit from reduced rate performances with free tea, coffee and biscuits every Tuesday at 1pm.

Films change weekly. See for details of this week’s films or pop into the box office which is normally open after 1pm each day. Tickets cost £4 if bought online or £5.50 from the box office.

Phone 0333 0144501. ODEON Salisbury, New Canal, Salisbury SP1 2A

Lunch Club at Salisbury at Salisbury United Reformed Church
Visit Salisbury United Reformed Church on the first three Wednesdays of the month for a two-course cooked lunch with tea or coffee, for over 55s.

Lunch costs £5 per week. No need to book but helpful if you call Fran Moody on 01722 326373 or email before your first visit.

Salisbury United Reformed Church, 20 Fisherton Street SP2 7RG
First three Wednesdays of the month: 12.30 - 13.30pm (doors open 11.45am)

Brew & Banter at Salisbury and Amesbury Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club
Former Armed Forces and partners meet for coffee, tea and cakes at Riverside Sanctuary, £2.00 donation.

2 Watt Road, Churchfields, Salisbury SP2 7UD
Fridays 11am - 1pm

Salisbury Ladies Walking Football
Salisbury Ladies Walking Football is a group of older ladies who play a gentle version of 5-a-side football and sometimes meet at the pub.

It is a really good way of meeting new friends and getting fitter. It costs £3 a session, just come when you can.

Further info 07401 828144 or Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, SP1 3NR. Thursdays: 5 - 6pm.

Introduction to Ramblers’ Wellbeing Walks
Wellbeing Walks Salisbury is part of a national initiative run by volunteers, supported by Salisbury City Council, to encourage more people to walk for health and company.

Walks take place in and around Salisbury every Thursday starting at 10 am. New walkers are welcome on a short, introductory walk starting from the Chorister’s Green in the Cathedral Close.

This event will take place on Thursday 29th September at 10am. The will take under an hour. Wheelchair users are welcome. Free and no need to book. Call 01722 334209 for more information. The Chorister’s Green, The Close, Salisbury SP1 2EL.

Open Shed at Salisbury Men’s Shed
Salisbury’s Men’s Shed is a social centre for local people that promotes health and wellbeing through working together on practical projects.

Drop in on Wednesday 5th October to look at their work and have a chat. Currently, the shed is oversubscribed so places can’t be promised to those who may wish to join but the team will be pleased to add you to our waiting list.

“Don’t be put off, the group will be really pleased to show you around, have a chat and hear any ideas that we can take on board.”

More information from or 07746013204.
Men’s Shed, Riverside House, 2 Watt Road, Churchfields SP2 7UD
Wednesday 5th October: 10.15 - 11.30am

Silver Salisbury Quaker Meeting

Jazz Social at the Arts Centre
Following the success of last year’s Jazz Social, as part of Silver Salisbury, Wiltshire Creative are pleased to welcome back Celebrating Age Wiltshire musicians Dan Baker and Paul Young for an afternoon of jazz classics on Thursday 29th September: 3.30 - 5.30pm.

In the friendly setting of Salisbury Arts Centre enjoy an afternoon of great music and delicious refreshments.

Tickets (£5) must be booked in advance from or 01722 320333. Salisbury Arts Centre, Bedwin Street, Salisbury SP1 3UT

Wildlife Camera Highlights with Steve Dowse
Steve Dowse lives in Salisbury and is a very keen amateur wildlife photographer. He would like to share with you some of his favourites from both home and away. There will be cards and other items available to buy after the talk.

There is no charge but please book online at or call 07976 405048.

The Quaker Meeting House, 51 Wilton Road, Salisbury SP2 7EP
Tuesday 20th September: 6 - 7.30pm (doors open 5.30pm)

Digging in Amesbury
Andy Rhind Tutt will give a fascinating talk about 'Recent discoveries in Amesbury, the Home of Stonehenge'. This is part of a regular programme of history talks at St John’s Place which usually take place on the third Wednesday of most months.

No charge for admission but donations encouraged. There will also be low-cost refreshments. No booking is required.

Contact or 01722 326261 for more information.
St John’s Place, Lower Road, Lower Bemerton SP2 9NP
Wednesday 21st Sept: 7.30 - 8.30pm (doors open 7pm)

How Rock Music Came to Salisbury
A talk by Frogg Moody about the great days of Rock Music in our City. No booking is needed.

Quaker Meeting House, 51 Wilton Road, Salisbury SP2 7EP
Tuesday 4th October: 5.30 - 7pm (doors open at 5pm)

Vintage Tea Party
Come and enjoy the sounds of the past, tap your toes and maybe even dance at the Guildhall while enjoying an afternoon tea in the grand surroundings of the banqueting hall.

Run by the Salisbury City Council Communities Team there will be some tickets (£3) available to the public from the Information Centre from the 1st of September but most tickets will go to community groups, lunch clubs and services for older people.

This is an opportunity to celebrate together at the end of the Silver Salisbury
Programme. If you are part of a group and would like to attend please get
in touch and the team will reserve your places. Call 01722 417100 or

Salisbury Guildhall, Market Place, Guildhall Square SP1 1JH
Sunday 9th October: 12.30 - 3.30pm

Alex pouring tea, photo by Peter Elbin

A Silver Celebration
In anticipation of International Older People’s Day on 1st October Silver Salisbury presents a day of older people’s creative performances and the Silver Salisbury’s Jubilee project.

Refreshments will be available throughout the day. The event will finish with a performance from children from St Martin’s and Woodland’s schools and local older people, sharing the output of Silver Salisbury’s Living History Jubilee project.

Today’s children and children of the fifties have explored changes over the last seventy years. Their discussions about entertainment, communications, the coronation and food have been transformed into songs and stories.

There will also be information stalls about groups and support services that might be of interest to older people. Please come and enjoy the show; pop in for one or two items or stay all day.

10am: Doors open
10.15am: Welcome and opening
10.30am: Dance SIX-0 perform their dance piece: ‘Burn and Rave’
11.30am: The U3A Chamber Music Group perform some classical
favourites and we’ll hear more about U3A.
12.30pm: Kate Edgar’s Coffee Choir will share songs from their lively
and entertaining repertoire
2pm: Salisbury Pluckers Ukulele Band perform a selection of old and new
hits. Always fun.
3pm: Silver Salisbury Jubilee project finale

Salisbury Guildhall, Market Place, Guildhall Square SP1 1JH
Tuesday 27th September: 10.15am - 3.30pm

How to find out more

This is just a handful of events that are part of the Silver Salisbury programme, with everything from coffee and cake, to fitness, archaeology, music, dance, book clubs, gardening and more, there really is something for everyone.

You can find the full list of events by picking up a paper programme from local libraries, information centres or community groups. It’s also on the Silver Salisbury website and there’ll be regular updates on our Silver Salisbury Facebook page.

For the latest local news in Salisbury like Love Salisbury on Facebook or tune into Salisbury Radio on DAB or online.

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