With the summer holidays now well and truly upon us, we are urging road users to be mindful of motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders.
The warmer weather often brings with it an increase in the number of varied road users, and in recent weeks, there have been several motorcyclists injured or killed on our roads.
As a police force, Wiltshire Police supports BikeSafe – a national, police run motorcycle initiative aimed at working with motorcycle riders in a relaxed environment to raise awareness of the importance and value of progressing on to accredited post-test training.
BikeSafe workshops involve an observed ride with a police motorcyclist or approved BikeSafe observer from IAM or RoSPA. With some local variation, BikeSafe workshops aim to cover: Rider attitude, systematic methods, collision causation, cornering, positioning, overtaking, observation, braking, and hazard perception.
Insp John Hutchings, who is the force lead for BikeSafe said: “Whilst BikeSafe isn’t a training programme for riders, it does help provide detailed sessions on hazard awareness, how to make your motorcycling safer and culminates in an on-road observed ride.
“We’ve been offering the scheme for over 20 years for riders of all ages and experience and we continue to receive really positive feedback from attendees.
“Ultimately, as a police force, it is our aim to keep Wiltshire’s roads as safe as possible. Any fatality on our roads is one too many and as police officers we see the devastation a road death can leave behind for the rider or driver’s family and friends. We are committed to improving road safety for all.”
If you are interested in registering your interest, please visit Wiltshire Police - BikeSafe
Our partners at Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service also run a free course called Biker Down, which is available to motorcyclists and motorcycle clubs in Wiltshire and Swindon.
The course, which lasts about three hours, is in three parts:
- Part 1 teaches you how to manage the scene of a bike crash, using the same principles used by the Fire and Rescue Service. You are shown how to protect yourself and others, how to prioritise your actions, how to collect information for the emergency services and how to make use of the resources you have available to you, including other people.
- Part 2 shows you the ways of taking care of a casualty, including basic life support and the why, when and how of removing a crash helmet.
- Part 3 looks at what may work (or not work) when it comes to making yourself more visible to other road users. You will also learn about how people look for and recognise objects and how you can help to make sure that other road users see you.
For further information about Biker Down Wiltshire, visit www.facebook.com/bikerdownwiltshire
- Last week we launched our summer road safety campaign, which focuses on the Fatal Five offences and carries the message that there is ‘no excuse’ to commit any of these offences.
For more information visit 'No Excuse' road safety campaign launches today | Wiltshire Police